Hector Magallanes

Profile Picture

Hello there! I'm an aspiring Computer Scientist from Mexico with an interest for Web Development. I moved to the US in 2019 so I could prusue a degree in Computer Science. I'm currently in my Junior year at San Francisco State University while working part time as a barista.

Web Development Skills

Front End

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • JavaScript

Back End

  • Node.js

  • MongoDB

  • Mongoose

  • Auth & Security


memory-game img

Memory Game

"Simon Says" style game with a user system to keep track of scores. Focus on implementation of a MongoDB database and manipulation of user data through their interactions with the game.

More About Me

My biggest hobby is video games! I've owned multiple consoles since I was a kid until I started playing on my computer. I can always unwind by gaming after a long day of work.

My dream job is a remote position as a Software Engineer. Being able to work "on the go" would be great for exploring the world while doing what I love.